Sunday, November 4, 2007

John Bowe, The American Slave Labor Market and other gems...

John Bowe, The American Slave Labor Market and...

other gems from C-Span Book TV.

After a long period of apparent inertia, Book TV is broadcasting some real gems (click on either link for the schedule).

One of these was a terrific presentation given by John Bowe about his new book: Nobodies: Modern American Slave Labor and the Dark Side of the New Global Economy. (We picked up our copy today, by the way). Mr. Bowe concisely reports his findings on the effect the "new global economy" (his words) is having on the illegal slave labor market here in the US and as perpetuated by US and other corporations around the world. Some (all?...) US corporations are apparently complicit in the use of illegal slaves to manufacture their merchandise. (We urge you to read this book, or view Mr. Bowe's presentation and boycott these corporations).

Mr. Bowe also reports on real life stories of the slave labor market...extant right here in Florida. Reference is made concerning a legal case concerning the slaver nicknamed "El Diablo". We can only hope justice is served in this case and others.

Per Mr. Bowe, we understand that the slave labor market is an effect (though slavery has been around since antiquity...) of the human mind's non-transparent need for getting goods and services on the cheap - no matter what the cost. Indeed, we have recently reported an example of this type of slavery to our local congressperson and labor enforcement department (prior to hearing Mr. Bowe's reports and views) - we have no results to report at this time.

Indeed, we feel that transparency is needed concerning the growing (and alarming) use of slave labor and its modern root cause: the globalization of the labor market. Please comment or contact us if you need more information about Mr. Bowe or his great book.

Immediately after the presentation by Mr. Bowe, we were given a talk by Mr. Tony Rafael (a LA correspondent) on his new book The Mexican Mafia. Not as spectacular as Mr. Bowe's talk, but deeply chilling. La eMe has taken control of the California prison system as well as control of the street crime present in that part of the country. We do not know how widespread this crime wave is... we are waiting for our copy of the book to find out.

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