Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Latest Polls Prior to Super Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Latest Polls Prior to Super Tuesday...

February 5, 2008 - have taught us that we're not so good at picking the winner. However, a great aid to picking the winners might be the website Real Clear Politics. Go to their excellent poll page results for Election 2008 National Head-to-Head Polls. It's not shaping up to well for Romney or Huckabee based on their polling data. And they've got a good assortment of it. More, McCain would probably beat Hilary in a final vote. However, Obama seems clearly ahead of the pack when put up against any of the GOP contenders. If Obama commands the lead this Super Tuesday, then we will probably have our first African-American President and leader of the free world. It is simply stunning.

But - like our new slogan says "Getting it Wrong Since 2007". We're probably your reverse-barometer for picking the winner. None of the top five are quite out of it yet. One further thought on Obama, he is young, attractive, well-spoken and charismatic and he offers us himself as the "Hope" and change-candidate. Well, there is an old proverb "Hope is an excellent breakfast, but a poor supper". Think about what you're voting for, and not who. Now get out there and vote.

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