Friday, July 24, 2009

Incomplete Entry for Friday, July 24, 2009

You know we often strive to deliver a 'complete' entry of the daily major postings concerning biology, zoology and other life science topics. Today, we had some unique issues with Blogger freezing up, our (public) Dell Optiplex 755 deleting our data and Microsoft Word (the most current version) and DOS dumping our data...all at the same time. We spoke to the IT people who 'run' the computers and servers here at our IP address, but they reported that it is policy for them to delete all documents when rebooting the servers - even when they have been saved. But, we know that is false based on our previous experience.

Warning!: Based on our experience (above) we strongly suggest moving any and all Word Document work to Google Documents as soon as possible if you are working in the same type of environment.

Police unions want Obama to apologize... ...Ok, the police unions demand an apology. Seems reasonable enough. Except, we suggest Mr. Obama and his team invite all concerned parties - to The White Crib (not a 'neutral location') - to discuss and review the whole of the Gate's incident. Perhaps they can even re-enact the incident in Mr. Gate's own house - in front of Mr. Obama, if they can dare go that far. Preferably, in front of the media cameras, microphones and reporters. And then, let the people and staff of the administration meet and decide what is real and what is not real. Afterwards, come out and apologize - or come out swinging (figuratively, of course). Mr. Obama's and his administration's authority has been challenged. It had better not have been challenged for the wrong reasons. If it has, they can strike the first blow against the US being turned into a police state.

Fun's fun, but it is beginning to like 'the honeymoon' is really over - for all parties. After this bout, Mr. Obama and the administration should come out all the stronger. No matter what the outcome of this dimwitted, dopey request from the police unions. We are pretty certain of the integrity of this White House administration. We do not have the same level of confidence in the unions. Why? Reality. At any rate, after this title match or bout, the administration should push through any reform they want. Especially, health care. The police unions just handed them their motivation on a silver platter. All because their pride got a little bit poked.

But, like some have said, isn't that what a police officer really owns - his/her authority and pride? Is this what its all coming down to - pride? 'Pride goeth before a fall'. And your editors should know what they're writing about. We've fallen many times before!

Oh, and here's another thought for the union's leaders. And, we're sure they've thought of this and all of the previous. Its part of their training...right? Anyway, do any of them remember PATCO? Remember the 1981 strike (we know, we know...that was about a work strike and The Taft-Hartley Act 1947)? Remember Ronald Reagan? Yes, we know, its a completely different situation, but - perhaps - the administration could find a way to dissolve the police unions (as Mr. Reagan did with PATCO) and they could start all over. That is, if Mr. Obama and his administration is not quite happy with the legitimacy of the union's demands...

Obama remark on Gates’ arrest angers cops

Millions face delays in jobless checks

Obama stokes racial passions, police anger

'North Korea executes Christians'

The Paradox Of Loyalty To Country

Ugandan shock as bank disappears

Fanker or Phanker

Fank or Phank

Money Relieves Pain;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHZkMjZyBHBvcwMxBHNlYwNzcg--/SIG=131n7dttb/EXP=1248540554/**http%3a//



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