Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Miniature RFID Tags (Link)

Miniature RFID tags for Anticounterfeiting


Coprolite image licensed under Creative Commons by AlishaV

Turdshiner-in-Chief: Not entirely our term, but building on the brilliant John Stewart's and TDS's presentation of 11/17/09, "Submission Accomplished". (1) Suggested nickname for any president that has to 'pick up and shine' the turds left behind by the previous administration for public or diplomatic review. (As always, Aasif Mandvi gives a hilarious, manic performance). (2) The real job of any next new presidential administration.

Please note: This posting appears simultaneously in our sister publication, The Anti-Zen Dictionary.

Gidget Goes Rogue

Image licensed under Creative Commons by surfcrs

Gidget Goes Rogue: (1) A suggested retitling of Ms. Palin's new book. Will the catchword 'b*tch*n' be replaced by "(You) Betcha'"? Or (2) That cheesey Newsweek magazine cover - is she going on a clambake or a Hobie-Cat? Are those deck shoes? Is that Andrew Zimmern in the background with a clam rake and tongs? In November?

FOM: The Palin Cult, Palin book makes best seller list, McCain adviser: Palin book ‘based on fabrications' , Palin’s Big Comeback, Where coverage of 'Going Rogue' goes wrong , ‘Going Rogue’ Google Book Overview and Gidget.

Updated/Revised: Thursday, November 18, 2009

Palin Populism, Palin Popularity or The Palin Cult

Image licensed under Creative Commons by billypalooza

Palin Populism, Palin Popularity, The Palin Cult: We've been busy elsewhere and are briefly returning for this lady, sigh... Yes, we saw the video(s) of the lines forming this morning at the Grand Rapids bookstore where Ms. Palin will be signing books on her tour. For those who can't make it through the first wave, we heard those turned away will be given (?) bracelets for their return book signing. Is she a cult figure? Or should the book title be; 'Gidget Goes Rogue'? Will 'b*tch*n' be replaced by "(You) betcha'"?

FOM: Palin book makes best seller list, McCain adviser: Palin book ‘based on fabrications' , Palin’s Big Comeback, Where coverage of 'Going Rogue' goes wrong , ‘Going Rogue’ Google Book Overview and Gidget.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Sacrificialism: The sad but important portmanteau of sacrifice and journalism. Apparently researched in depth and at great risk by the great expository journalist Terry Gould. Mr. Gould made a recent appearance on Book TV discussing his great work Marked for Death (American Title) before the CPJ. Mr. Gould discussed the international problem of local journalists facing death threats and dying for their reporting on corrupt regimes in such places as; the Phillipines, Colombia, Iraq, Russia... Mr. Gould's dialogue boiled down to the essential fact that local journalists were/are sacrificing their own lives in order to inspire others to pick up their fight against corruption through reporting.

FOM: Marked for Death: Dying for the Story in the World's Most Dangerous Places ,, Marked for Death and Terry Gould.

Please note: This posting appears simultaneously on our sister publication, The Anti-Zen Dictionary.