Monday, July 26, 2010

A Plan for the Global Economic Recovery

The US Role in Haiti Food Riots Image licensed under Creative Commons by barrybar

Updated Again Wednesday, September 1, 2010:   ***
Updated Friday, July 30, 2010: With the economic report just received from the BBC today **, this blog posting seems worthy of a second review and a follow-up.  Check this site later for more updates if possible.

We have been gone for a little while and we hadn't posted anything! ~
Sorry if you have missed us, but we haven't heard much from you either.  Apart from having one of our 'tweets' read on the MSNBC Countdown Twitter Report of Friday, May 14, 2010 - we just haven't accomplished much.  We're not even certain if they still do the Twitter Report - anyway we have deleted our twitter account - it was @georgek1029.  Apologies if you were one of the 1500 or so that were following us.

Anyway!  Our Senior Editor had a bit of a vision the other night - he usually does when we conspire to hit him over the head with a blunt instrument.  It was like he could see this big fresh new book coming out.  He could even see the title and the cover; "A Plan for the Global Economic Recovery".  He could even see some very odd diagrams outlining steps and phases (not phrases) meant to outline just that.

The sad thing, we suppose, is that there appears to be no book nor plan with that title.  Sure, a lot of excellent books* have been recently written and published about the Global Economic Crisis of 2007 - 2010.  But nothing about a plan or a coordinated series of steps towards the Recovery.  (What's also "refreshing" to hear is that the Wikipedia has laid the blame on the US Financial Markets for the liquidity crisis which created the global collapse of the markets - scandalous but guilty!).

Notably, the Obama-Dodd Finanical Reform Act 2010 should/will address some of those shortcomings.  But, will it guide the  overall economy back to the boisterous health that some many of us need and want?  Yes, we're talking about you too, dedanna1029.  We know, we know, there are some problems with the bill ~ isn't that right Lawrence?

Thankfully, the 111th Congress of the US has finally agreed to extend long-term UE benefits - again.  Which seemed to be their bugbear - at least for most of the GOP - with whom some of us still have problems!  Sorry to say!  It's been said before, you don't turn off the fire hydrant when the house is burning down!  Of course, you may as well turn off the hydrant when the house has burnt down...sorry to say...

But that's not enough ~ we need real prosperity and soon.  It's probably one of the real true solutions to the current problems of unemployment.  Yes, plural, problems.  UE is not a problem in and of itself.  We need to become educated as to how it is a problem, how it got to be that way and to get us poor and medium-income folks back to making money again!  Forget rich!  People are too busy just scraping by to survive.  People don't want to be rich, they just need enough funds to pay the rent, utilities, finance the car, get medical treatment, pay their union dues, give gifts, buy postage...oh, and don't forget the grocery bill.

That is a BIG problem.  We haven't seen food riots here in the USA.  But, we have seen food security issues.  Our senior editor's sick elderly father recently experienced a food security issue - this is not a nice issue for our sick and elderly to have to deal with.  Even worse is the thought of having to go to their local market - and encountering a food riot in the process.  Shades of Glenn Beck - we must be starting to sound like that mad *******.  (Our google account provisions forbid us from expressing certain opinions here - and they are correct about that!  We must agree!).  By the way, you have got to see the latest "joke" Glenn Beck account on twitter at

Hmmm, we seem to have wandered a bit from our original point.  Our senior editor has had some further "revelations" about "A Plan for the Global Economic Recovery".  These are some of his bullet points;

1) All systems are inequitable.

2) All economies are based on a "bubble market".

3) The inherent inequities of (1) help contribute to that bubble market of (2).

4) The crash of  (2) and the time to the next crash is inversely proportional to the inequities of (1).

To further highlight the "inequities of the system", see the LiveScience article "World Markets Mostly Controlled by Select Companies".  And the BookTV Program "Color Blind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politicis and the Retreat from Racial Inequity".  Both of these should shock you to your senses.

Well, that's about it for now.  Our "mad" senior editor is developing his new economic theories (Re; the book ~ unless somebody else is writing it) at the time being.  We will get back to you with further information.

Until then, these links may be of interest: link to this post:

**Updated Friday, July 30, 2010: US Annualized Economic Growth Rate Slows to 2.4% (BBC NEWS)

Acts of the 111th United States Congress (Wikipedia)

Public Laws for the 111th Congress (Library of Congress)

Types of Riots (Wikipedia)

Food Security (Wikipedia)

Further Reading ; External Links on Food Security (Wikipedia References ; Links)  

Let's Talk (Blog by dedanna1029)

*A Colossal Failure of Common Sense by Lawrence G. McDonald 

World Stocks Controlled by Select Companies (from LiveScience)

Color Blind: The Rise of Post-Racial Politics and the Retreat of Racial Inequity (with author Tim Wise).

***(Updated Wednesday, September 1, 2010)  2010 Hiring Outlook from Industry Market Trends

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