Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Edwards' Campaign, The Edwards' Brush With Tragedy

The topic is so hot that we thought at first we might not touch it. But, being an upstart publication with enough brass (or gall) to call itself "The American Political Handbook", we decided we couldn't leave it.
No man nor woman can have a life without a future. Likewise, no politician can have a political life without a political future. The Edwards' family must have grasped this fact before the announcement was made.
They may have been prepared for the bad news with her previous bout of cancer. Still, it had to take superhuman courage to make the decision when faced with this ocean of kryptonite.
To have looked deep into this abyss and turned it into a wellspring of political will shows an immense depth of character. It shows leadership in the face of extreme adversity. A leader is gaged by his/her actions and words, no more, no less - the rest is nothingness.
A personal note/connection: One of our parents has recently had to face the "C" word. He is 72 years old and has basal cell carcinoma. Its not a particularly nasty cancer and he still manages to get around and do his daily thing. But, left untreated it can grow into the bone and spread. Its not an easy thing to live with, but it can be managed. The d****d disease is everywhere, it pervades our society.
They must also have considered the public good in their decision. Adversity demands it. Character requires it. Cicero wrote "Salus populi suprema est lex - the good of the people is the chief law". (from De Legibus - The Laws).
The sharks are circling around after smelling this blood in these waters - and should steer clear of these survivors. Lest they be dashed against the reefs and rocks of public condemnation in the tide of popular outrage. Even, so it is likely the presumed first family would weather such a storm.
Theirs is a judgement that exceeds all passing. In another century, that wild mustachioed philosopher Nietzsche wrote "That which is done out of love is beyond good and evil"... from his book of the same name (Maxims and Aphorisms). To paraphrase, that which is done out of love exceeds all judgement. We've waited a lifetime to quote that line. We wish the circumstances were different. The presumed first family must have drunk deep from the well of human compassion and kindness. These are other fine qualities in a leader.
Disraeli wrote "Man is only truly great when he acts from the passions". The presumed first family has shown great passion combined with great calmness. Rock-solid hands ready for a steady wheel. Even so, they must have considered the pain and weakness that may be yet to come. They must be wise to know that we all face this in the end. We are all frail. We are all temporary. We are only human and we shall all pass.
Should the man win a place on the ticket for the presidential election, would we consider voting for him? You can bet the farm on that. Is he the kind of leader we would follow to hell and back? You bet your ass we would.
Extraordinary note: We have just read that Tony Snow's cancer is back and has spread to his liver.

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