Sunday, April 1, 2007

The American Political Handbook "Scorecard" (II)

The APH Scorecard (II)...

To see the Scorecard complete with links go to URL:

The Democratic Field appears to be in the lead (691, 500 points) over the Republican Field (- 312,475 points) with a total advantage of approx. 1,003,975 points.
The Lead Candidate Overall appears to be John Edwards with 300,000 points.
The Lead Republican Candidate appears to be Tommy Thompson with 82,525 points.
The Bottom Democratic Candidate appears to be Hilary Clinton with - 51,000 points. (Note: Barack Obama has almost double the lead over Hilary Clinton).
The Bottom Republican Candidate appears to be John McCain with 0 points.
Why isn't the current Vice President officially running (Dick Cheney)? - 300,000 points.
Independent (undeclared) Ralph Nader has only 5,000 points.

For a bit of an explanation on the point system used in the APH Scorecard, see the Anti-Zen Handbook posting of Oct. 6, 2006 re. "The Sleazedown Game". URL:

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