Thursday, October 25, 2007

Are We Behind The Sanctions Curve?

Are Our News Organizations Behind The "Sanctions Curve?"

Yesterday, we were warned about the coming bombing of Iran. (See our previous posting: The Coming Nuclear War with Iran? and Is Hollywood Burning?). And today we heard of tough, new UN/US sanctions coming from the mouth of Madame Condoleeza Rice. Are our news organizations behind the "news curve"? We were wondering if the administration was working its own sucker coup against our news organizations by announcing the sanctions while still secretly planning the Iran bombing campaign. Are they really capable of staging such a two-stage plan. Yes, we suggest they are. But, we hope we are wrong.

If we are not wrong, we are looking at a potential nuclear fallout combined with a potential nuclear winter (as predicted by the late, great Dr. Carl Sagan).This posting to be continued tomorrow or at a later date.

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