Friday, May 15, 2009

Scandal Land

Our apologies as we take a brief attempt at poetry...

Scandal Land or A Tribute to the "Newest" Scandal in the Land

In Scandal Land did Nixon* and Atë,
Roll the lots writ of runes of
Flesh, bone and waters
In the sunlight of day
Tumbling like black otters.

And Bush and Cheney did spill
Water like blood for oil,
Money, fame or spoil
Letting loose Cerberus
From the Gates of Hell.

No Devil loosed upon the
Earth like even Crowley knew well
The leather-winged demon

From the deepest cell
And gnashed its pointed jaws.

But, in Scandal Land all
Point and dance and drone
At what is the law and are the laws
And what should be done
And what should've been.

And tumbles down the
Law of the Lands
At what lies unseen.
Comes down Discordia
To lay within Scandal's hips.

In Scandal Land,
And mouths her lips
In a large "O".
And intones, "O Scandal!"
"Oh so beautiful, oh so O!"

(For more on The Scandal see our previous post and others...)

*(Our apologies to Richard M. Nixon - who never waterboarded, well, at least we think he didn't...)

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