Monday, January 11, 2010

NineEleven Denial or 911 Denial

Image licensed under Creative Commons by Bryan Thatcher

NineEleven Denial or 911 Denial: Is a topic we'd much rather not talk about, but its out there. And its being pandered and bandied about by none other than the likes of...Rudy Giuliani? Its making us sick. "America's Mayor" (remember all the video of him escorting people to safety during the 911 attacks?...) has downgraded himself into a GOP buffoon denying any terror took place under the Bush Administration's watch. Give us a break while we lean over and retch our liberal guts out (figuratively, of course).

Lawrence O'Donnell (filling in for Keith Olbermann on Countdown, we presume Keith's father is still ailing, but we don't know...we hope its something else...) ripped Big Rudy a new one by articulating one-by-one the terror acts that occurred on US soil under the Bushies' watch. We think Lawrence did a fine job of it. We were wondering if the IED attacks on our troops overseas should be included. (From our point of view, the Bushies' are directly responsible for any/all IED casualties...) Not sure if they missed it or not, but lets not forget the Virginia Tech massacre, either. Was the VTM a terrorist event? Oh, we think so - just ask the survivors if they felt terrorized or not. We're sure most of the victims felt terror. Dumb question. Dumb.

Not to belabor the point...just how dumb is the GOP? Or, more pointedly, how dumb are we? Is our collective memory so short, our collective consciousness so stunted that we really have forgotten all of the atrocities that have gone before the Detroit Terror Attack of Christmas 2009? In essence, 911 Denial is really an attack on the intelligence of the American people. Worse, its also a back-handed slap-in-the-face to any and all of the survivors of these terrorist events.In the longer, larger view, its really a back-handed slap to all atrocity survivors in the temporal community.

We're not just talking Holocaust Denial, but forgetting about Andersonville (not the town, the Civil War POW camp in that locale), Darfur and many, many others. Some of which, shamefully, have been forgotten. Of course, Holocaust Denial is illegal in many European countries. And it should be illegal in the good ol' USA, too. As a matter of fact, such denials as 911 Denial should be illegal in the good ol' USA, too. Which should tell you just how heinous we think it is to promote, mention 911 Denial in the name of GOP politics. It is despicable.

Which leads to speculation - what if the Bushies had made 911 Denial illegal? They probably did not even think of making it into law. (911 Denial does not appear in the Wikipedia, by the way...). Now if it ever does pass into law, would they (the GOP, and their ilk...) ignore the law and continue campaigning under this ridiculous and offensive banner? We're guessing...yes. Is it more disturbing that we think they would or that they would?

Which is a banner they've yet to flout. We have to try to see all points of view. So, we're guessing that Big Rudy and some of the others are implying that there was no terrorist event during the Bushie era....because no law was passed to make the denial illegal. From that point of view, they are right. We say, lets prove them wrong, and make 911 Denial illegal. Of course, the Obama administration does have its hands full. And most Americans are more concerned about putting some damn food on the table and getting the rent paid. And, some of us do have short memories. Because, we've got to get that damn food on the table and more...

Which is why it is the media's job to play "Gotcha" and trip up the buffoons who espouse lip-farts like 911 Denial. Come on George! What's with you man! But, its wrong to lay the blame solely on George. He's only human. He should have caught it, he booted it, and he apologized. Man up. And don't play any favorites. If you have to play the "Gotcha" game, give it to everybody. Brother Michael, Sister Sarah, oh, and Harry just got tripped up too! The media is very good at the game when it concerns a sex scandal and our politicians...or a pro athlete...or a pro golfer... You see, its hard to focus on some things other than a good old sex scandal. But it sells. 911 Denial didn't have to sell itself...until now.

Aside from all this: We like the way Lawrence handled the show on Friday night (1/8/09). We just wish he would pick up the "Worst Person In The World" Torch. Then we would love him. Whoever replaces Keith (and he won't be on the show forever...) we hope they pick up that WPW Torch.

Please note: A similar posting appears almost simultaneously on our sister publication, The Anti-Zen Dictionary.

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