Monday, June 25, 2007

Does This Man Have A Point?

Does This Man Have a Point?

Seriously. (We found the photo on Are we the illegal immigrants in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Immigration Reform and Disease

Immigration Reform and the Control and Spread of Disease
Though we're not experts on either subject, some of us tend to be a little fearful of the potential for the spread of new untreatable disease. For example, see the story: Up to 30,000 have new untreatable form of TB: WHO.
Is this a real concern? For example (see the photo), some of the nice folks here are probably illegals and probably without disease. (We found it amusing and bemusing that at least one of them was carrying the image of Che Guevara - the late Marxist revolutionary from Cuba - representing another potential threat to America). But, we're talking about 12 million illegal immigrants in the US. And, that number could potentially grow to 112 million illegals. That makes the odds pretty good for disease carrying individuals to start showing up with incurable/drug-resistant tuberculosis and other plagues and scourges. Look at the recent case with the flying attorney who supposedly made unauthorized travel while carrying the drug-resistant tuberculosis bacterium.
No, we're not in the business of fear-mongering. But, we are in fear of this new scourge. Most of us have children. Almost all of us have parents. Think of your child or your aging mother coughing up blood one night - and later hearing of them diagnosed with this dreadful disease. Could this happen with lax and lazy immigration reform? We think it really could happen - and should be avoided at all costs. Should we reconsider the Immigration Reform Act of 1917 as a measure/means of disease control and protecting our loved ones, our population and our nation? We think we should.
Also, we're not in the business of closing our doors to all immigrants. Just the illegal ones. How does the new reform bill fairly take into account all of these options?
Well, let's look at some numbers. If 30,000 people (that's per year) take sick with DR (Drug Resistant) TB (tuberculosis), and just one of them happens to visit one of 125 cities in America with a population of over 100,000 - then that's only a less than one percent chance (0.80%) that could potentially infect a population of that size.
Wait, let's rethink that. Of the current 12 million illegals in the US, 1 in 3 could have the DR. Some calculations on our Excel spreadsheet suggest that raises the odds to potential infection in a major population to just over 106%. Which means that the bug is probably here already - in a major population center in the US - or it will be coming soon. But of course, it is here, just look at the flying attorney story. And he's not exactly illegal immigrant - or is he?
And, is quarantine by the CDC constitutional for this gentleman with the DRTB? Probably not, which is why we really need to consider DRTB and other diseases in the new immigration reform.

Is This Judge an Imbecile?

Is this judge an imbecile?
Do we really have to face such imbecilic decision makers when we are called in to court?

After this embarrassing episode, shouldn't we all feel very uncomfortable about any court visits, trials, etc. we may have to endure?
As citizens, what can we do to assure ourselves that we have the best talent occupying the bench?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Brian Williams Meets Julius Caesar, June 20, 2007

Post Mr. Williams interview with John Stewart on The Daily Show and the Iraq War.

Williams: Ladies and Gentleman, tonight we are honored to have with us as our very special guest, Gaius Julius Caesar better known as Julius Caesar to the throngs. Mr. Caesar, welcome.

Julius Caesar: Thank you. Oh, and please just call me Caesar. Now, may I assume you brought me here to inquire about the Iraq War?

Williams: Why yes, Caesar. How pithy of you! How could you have known this?

Caesar: How could I not - Et tu, John? Eh?

Williams: Very good. Touche, Caesar. Well, being the greatest military leader before the time of Napoleon...

Caesar: ...and after...

Williams: Excuse me, and after the time of Napoleon. How would you advise us...that is, how would a great military leader like yourself lead in the war in Iraq?

Caesar: Well, I would simply refer you to my commentaries in Commentarii de Bello Gallico. What I feel is needed is the stratagems of (1) "divide and conquer",(2) a "scorched earth" policy and, (3) - something you intimated at the other night - a "cellular" approach to the region. That is to say, I would strongly recommend deploying the total of your military forces to the most significant "cells" in the country, divide their forces, crush them into the earth and deprive them of all supplies and resources by destroying/ransacking and/or pillaging from the local environment.

Williams: That seems rather harsh, seeing that this war was provoked by us.

Caesar: Not necessarily, if you look at it from Rome's perspective.

Williams: Ah, I think I see...Still, what about the innocents, the women and the children?

Caesar: Separate them and take them with you. Or drive them out - which you have already started. You haven't exactly been half-hearted in this conflict, have you? Oh, I have to go (picking up his cell phone), Brutus is trying to reach me.

Williams: Thank you, Caesar. And best of luck to you.

Caesar: No, no. Best of luck to you.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Mike Nifong Meets Judge Learned Hand

Mr. Nifong, the defendant, suddenly found himself standing in an unnamed court with Judge Billings Learned Hand presiding at the bench.
"Your Honor", asked Mr. Nifong, "just how did I get here"?
"Why...through your own depraved indifference and negligence, Mr. Nifong. Not to mention your gambling and losing your law license to obtain local political office - all of which greatly outweigh your own legal negligence", responded Judge Learned Hand. "Not to mention what you did to the lives and amateur athletic careers of those innocent Duke Lacrosse players".
"Further, the court also finds that you should have prosecuted the accusers and the Rev. Al and Rev. Jackson for promoting the incendiary racist diatribes that followed. Why didn't you"?, asked Judge Learned Hand. "In other words, why did you waste every body's time on this"? "For gods' sakes, didn't you consider the ethics"?
"Oh, puhleeeeez...come on, Judge. I expected you of all people to be the least naive. Look, you haven't been around for a long time. Let me explain something to you. I am - sorry, was - an attorney. Ethical standards are almost always sacrificed in the name of political expediency anymore. Listen, I'll read off some names and terms to you; Watergate, Monica Lewinski, Iran-Contra, the 2004 election, Alberto I getting through to you, Your Honor"?
"Yes, the court does 'get' you, Mr. Nifong. However, if I may quote myself...'If the prosecution of crime is to be conducted with so little regard for that protection which centuries of English law have given to the individual, we are indeed at the dawn of a new era; and much that we have deemed vital to our liberties, is a delusion'. In other words, you and the others you have mentioned - as well as many others - have deluded yourselves in your wicked, facile and corrupt attempt to sway political sentiments your way and the improper gain of political office. Some of these things are worse than crimes, they are mortal sins. So, with the new powers and liberties that have been vested in this court, we find you guilty of the crimes and mortal sins imputed in this hearing and we are prepared to sentence you to no less than 25,000 years in prison, without hope of parole".
In shocked silence, the bailiffs of this cosmic court led Mr. Nifong away. He looked at them sideways, and thought they were sporting horns from their heads...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thank You Senator Levin and Others

Thank You Senators Carl Levin, John McCain, and All Others Responsible for...

Your work on S.1606 "Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act" . Here is a email follow-up response from Senator Levin regarding our concerns on the Walter Reed Hospital scandal:

Update on my Wounded Warrior legislation
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:21:37 -0400

Dear *****:
In light of your previous correspondence, I thought you might be interested in hearing about a bill I introduced yesterday, along with a bipartisan group of 29 senators, to address the shortcomings in care and treatment of our nation's wounded soldiers.

The Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act (S.1606) lays out a comprehensive path for the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to address the shortfalls in the care of our wounded warriors. This bill was passed unanimously by the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier today.

The problems with the care of our nation's wounded warriors were dramatized in a series of articles in The Washington Post in February and in a subsequent joint hearing by the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Veterans Affairs. This bill seeks to address many of the problems highlighted in the articles and subsequent hearings. The bill includes provisions that would, among other things, end the inconsistent ratings for the same disabilities by the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Veterans Administration (VA); provide for a seamless transition from DOD to VA care by requiring the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to jointly develop a comprehensive policy on the care and management of service members' transition; and authorize $50 million for improved diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of members with Traumatic Brian Injury (TBI) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In addition, this bill would provide the active duty medical benefit for three years after the member leaves active duty for medically retired service members with disability ratings of 50% or higher. It would provide urgent and emergency medical care and counseling to family members on invitational travel orders by VA health care providers, and would establish a DOD and VA Interagency Program Office to develop and implement a joint electronic health record. It would also require the Secretary of Defense to establish standards for housing for military out-patients and for military hospitals and clinics and specialty medical care facilities, increase the minimum severance pay to one years basic pay for those separated for disabilities incurred in a combat zone and six months basic pay for all others, and eliminate the requirement that severance pay be deducted from disability compensation for disabilities incurred in a combat zone.

The nation's shock and dismay at the deplorable conditions unveiled in the Washington Post articles reflect our unwavering support, respect and gratitude for the men and women who put on our nation's uniform. They deserve the best care and support we can provide, and I will continue to work to achieve that goal.

To learn more about this bill, please visit my website at [].
Sincerely, Carl Levin
***End of Thread***

For more information (press release) see: "Senate Floor Statement on the Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act ".

Thursday, June 14, 2007

George W. Bush Meets/Courts Zero Percent Job Approval Rating

President George W. Bush Finally Meets/Courts Zero Percent Job Approval Rating!...
Zero Percent Job Approval Rating ("ZePJAR" see also the Anti-Zen Dictionary: "Bushie! I just wanted to stop and say 'Heckuva job you're doing, man!'".
George W. Bush to ZePJAR: "Aw shucks, it's nothing. Why heck, I've been courting you for a long time anyway! It was only time before we finally got together"!
ZePJAR: "'Fraid so, Bushie, 'fraid so!...It was, after all, inevitable. But heck, you're still the sitting president. So tell me, are you gonna dump Gonzalez finally...or Cheney"!?
Bush: "Well, I'm having some problems with that...a man with a zero percent approval rating doesn't really have anything to lose, does he"?
ZePJAR: "That IS A FACTil! (See the Anti-Zen Dictionary: You done hit it right on the head, Bushie baby"!
Bush: "Anyway, aren't you like mathematically impossible, or something like that? Statistically speaking, aren't you just an arse-symtote, or something like that"?
ZePJAR: " That's asymptote, Bushie. And no, I don't think a zero percent job approval rating in any scientifically run poll is out of the question. Congratulations! You made it! Now, about this Iran thing..."

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

George W. Bush Meets King Zog

"I have a beautiful gold watch for you..." exclaimed King Zog...
"Oh! Thank you very much!", replied George W. Bush!
"I will sell it to you for $ 20,000 American!", said Zog.
'Oh, but, that's clearly my watch, you see it's engraved on the back "Political Leader and Savior of the Free World and Democracy"!'
"Come, come..." replied the King, "that could be anybody, the Pope, Steven Colbert, or even Bill Clinton!"
"Oh, oh yeah..." replied Bush..."that Steven Colbert is one heckuva fella. Reminds me of myself".
"Hey, what's this?!" Said Bush, as he tripped over a suitcase. "Man, that thing's really heavy! What's in it"? Asked the leader of the free world.
"Oh, that's just gold..." replied King Zog.

Gisele Bundchen Meets Torquemada

Sigh, Blame it on Rio!... (with apologies to Monty Python, The Catholic Church and absolutely everybody on earth)...
Sultry, almost vixen-like super model Gisele Bundchen was minding her own business during an off moment relaxing during fashion week. Suddenly, she spotted a story about the pope in the local newspapers. "Oh"...she exclaimed..."why don't they make such exceptions for planned parenthood"! (or something to that effect).
Suddenly, Michael Palin (as Torquemada), Terry Jones (as Cardinal Biggles) and Terry Gilliam (as Cardinal Fang)jumped out from behind a shirt cupboard and exclaimed "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition"!!! Something then came over Torquemada (Michael Palin), "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me"? "Of course I would, no...I mean I wouldn't...oh, I don't know what I mean" responded the top supermodel.
"Hah, we shall soon find out! Do you confess to the sin of heresy, by deed, by thought, by word and a nice evening out with the pope and his cardinals and ...oooohhh"! shouted Palin (Torquemada). Taking his tongs with him, all three of them then left the scene!
To be continued...?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Paris Hilton Meets Sun Tzu

In the Thomas Cleary edition(s) of Sun Tzu's classic treatise on the art of war, (one of his) introduction(s) relates early on a tale of the character of the man himself, Sun Tzu.

It seems that the venerable field commander (Sun Tzu) had been engaged by his emperor (!) to train his concubines in the art of military discipline. These were fearful times and perhaps the emperor thought it best for the safety of all.

Sun Tzu, gathered the young ladies in formation and commanded them to be at attention. The young ladies could not bring themselves to understand the need to adhere to the strict military discipline enforced by this commander - Sun Tzu. Therefore, they laughed and giggled. After all, they were concubines! This so affronted Sun Tzu's sense for military training that he ordered the decapitation of two of the concubines. A messenger sent word to the emperor.

The emperor sent a message direct to
Sun Tzu asking him not to kill his two concubines as that would make his "life less sweet" (forgive us if we have the wrong translation). Sun Tzu read the message and proceeded to order the execution. The two young ladies lost their lives in this incident.

Sun Tzu (perhaps) did not relish in the decapitation deaths of young women, he just felt it essential to instill an unforgettable sense of discipline in this small army of concubines (not to mention the sense of utter horror).

Horrible things are sometimes done in the name of discipline - or law or justice. It doesn't matter what term you apply, they are really all the same. We don't relish in the time spent in prison by America's Sweetheart (did we just call
Paris Hilton America's Sweetheart?). We just don't see the point to returning Paris to some ghastly fate, where she could be permanently disfigured, disabled or returned to us without her head, even, like Sun Tzu's emperor's concubines. We think we would also feel the sense of utter horror experienced in the ancient times. We think we would all be heartbroken. And, Paris is not one of the emperor's concubines. We think that Sun Tzu died a long, long time ago and his message is not nearly as important now as it was then.

Note: This has led us to the realization of a new word - pshiltoning: (the p is "silent") the shame experienced on behalf of one's jailer, executioner, etc. when forced to impose an apparently unjust and irrevocable sentence. See this definition also in "The Anti-Zen Dictionary".
Also: this posting appears in our sister publication, "The Anti-Zen Handbook".

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

CDC's Gerberding Gives Senate Testimony Regarding the Drug-Resistant TB Case

We Briefly Witnessed CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding...

give Senate testimony today regarding the case of the gentleman traveling our airways with a very dangerous strain of TB (tuberculosis). After witnessing Dr. Gerberding's testimony, which of these two individuals/government officials (pictured here) would you rather see/hear give testimony to the Senate? Hmmm...think...think carefully.

Also, think about the Dept. of Homeland Security's lapse of responsibility when reading: "TB patient says he was not man on run". For some reason, we feel uncomfortable awaiting any testimony from Secretary Chertoff.

For an excellent (and somewhat frightening) science article on the history and dangers of tuberculosis, see "Dangerous History" from the May 26, 2007 edition of Science News Vol. 171, pp. 330 - 332.