Thank You Senators Carl Levin, John McCain, and All Others Responsible for...Your work on S.1606 "Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act" . Here is a email follow-up response from Senator Levin regarding our concerns on the Walter Reed Hospital scandal:***Thread***:
Update on my Wounded Warrior legislation
Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:21:37 -0400
Dear *****:
In light of your previous correspondence, I thought you might be interested in hearing about a bill I introduced yesterday, along with a bipartisan group of 29 senators, to address the shortcomings in care and treatment of our nation's wounded soldiers.
The Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act (S.1606) lays out a comprehensive path for the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to address the shortfalls in the care of our wounded warriors. This bill was passed unanimously by the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier today.
The problems with the care of our nation's wounded warriors were dramatized in a series of articles in The Washington Post in February and in a subsequent joint hearing by the Senate Committees on Armed Services and Veterans Affairs. This bill seeks to address many of the problems highlighted in the articles and subsequent hearings. The bill includes provisions that would, among other things, end the inconsistent ratings for the same disabilities by the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Veterans Administration (VA); provide for a seamless transition from DOD to VA care by requiring the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to jointly develop a comprehensive policy on the care and management of service members' transition; and authorize $50 million for improved diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of members with
Traumatic Brian Injury (TBI) or
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
In addition, this bill would provide the active duty medical benefit for three years after the member leaves active duty for medically retired service members with disability ratings of 50% or higher. It would provide urgent and emergency medical care and counseling to family members on invitational travel orders by VA health care providers, and would establish a DOD and VA Interagency Program Office to develop and implement a joint electronic health record. It would also require the Secretary of Defense to establish standards for housing for military out-patients and for military hospitals and clinics and specialty medical care facilities, increase the minimum severance pay to one years basic pay for those separated for disabilities incurred in a combat zone and six months basic pay for all others, and eliminate the requirement that severance pay be deducted from disability compensation for disabilities incurred in a combat zone.
The nation's shock and dismay at the deplorable conditions unveiled in the Washington Post articles reflect our unwavering support, respect and gratitude for the men and women who put on our nation's uniform. They deserve the best care and support we can provide, and I will continue to work to achieve that goal.
To learn more about this bill, please visit my website at [].
Carl Levin***End of Thread***
For more information (press release) see: "Senate Floor Statement on the Dignified Treatment of Wounded Warriors Act ".