Sunday, October 5, 2008

Give this Lady a Saliva Test?

Pert, perky, cute and possibly quite crazy. Did this lady just accuse Barack Obama of consorting with terrorists - like the Weathermen? Just because he sat on the same charity board as Bill Ayers? (See the links *below). Barack was wearing diapers at the same time the Weathermen were bombing things and killing and maiming people - including one police officer. If the claim is not ridiculous nor crazy - it is just plain dangerous. Give this woman a saliva test, for C****'s sake. Get off the stage miss, the men in white suits with nets are coming now...what's that you say? They're not coming.
Anything goes in politics in the post-financial apocalypse, we guess. It is not satisfactory just to ask this lady to resign from the Republican campaign. It is time for the entire McCain camp to fold up its tents and banners. This party should be declared over - over the top. It's gone too far this time. Making trumped-up charges of consorting with terrorists - radicals, actually is a sign of desperation turned crazy turned dangerous. Every American citizen, nay everybody in the world, should stand up and object to these insane guilt-by-association accusations.
Is this the McCain swipe at terrorism? We haven't heard them complain about the Bush administration failure - nor the failure of Senator McCain - to capture and bring to justice the real terrorists - including Osama bin Laden. Why aren't they playing that terror-card? Because they haven't got the stones to stand up and decry the pitiful and ineffective war on terror. Nor have they managed to bring about the perpetrators of the anthrax scare. No, but they did manage to scare Dr. Bruce Ivins into suicide and the potentially explosive and expensive lawsuit settlements of Steven Hatfill. No, they have managed to ruin a couple of very likely innocent Americans.
In a single statement, this good lady and these bad power-hungry, half-mad Republicans have managed to insult the intelligence of every living and dead American. Also, lest we forget, they have failed to bring to justice those responsible for planning and masterminding the terrorist 9/11 attacks. Lest we forget, they should not be throwing rocks at those they complain are associated with American radicals, when they have failed to do anything for justice for the thousands left dead after the 9/11 attacks and the thousands of American troops left dead and innocent Iraqi and other civilians in the wake of the attacks. They should not be pointing their blood stained fingers at Mr. Obama and accusing him of consorting. They should not take such accusations and slander so lightly when it is they who are largely responsible for failing to live up the appropriate standards of justice for terrorists and terrorism. In biblical times, such accusations would have brought about harsh punishment for those guilty. We tremble with rage at the whole, sorry spectacle these folks have led us into.
Merkel guarantees German savings

Europe scrambles to rescue big banks

Europeans scramble to save failing banks;_ylt=Ah2dK8dOBBZY4NDEN0FlXGGs0NUE

Palin makes Obama terrorist claim

Palin: Obama 'palling around with terrorists'

Doubts remain about Palin

Obama campaign rejects Palin's terrorist claim

Ticker: Obama camp calls McCain 'erratic'

Analysis: Palin's words may backfire on McCain;_ylt=ArmmCyXDiAhQ955S5ikN8Sqs0NUE

The Weathermen

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